Feed Sam Response to COVID-19 READ MORE
At this time Feed Sam retail remains open, however we would encourage
all of our valued customers to take advantage of our FREE DELIVERY
Feed Sam Response to COVID-19 READ MORE
{{ Object.keys(products).length + (Object.keys(products).length > 1 ? ' Items' : ' Item') }} in basket

({{ Object.keys(products).length + (Object.keys(products).length > 1 ? ' Items' : ' Item') }})

Any discount codes can be applied at checkout

Total: ${{ totals.total }}

{{ product.title }}
{{ product.sub_title }}
Thank you for your donation!

This earns ${{ product.sam_bucks }} in Sam Bucks





Apply a Coupon Code to your purchase


Sub-Total: ${{ totals.sub_total }}
Sub-Total after Sam Bucks discount: ${{ (totals.sub_total - sam_bucks_applied).toFixed(2) }}
Delivery: ${{ totals.delivery }}
Tax: ${{ totals.tax }}
Coupon Code "{{totals.coupon_code_applied}}": -${{ totals.coupon_code_discount.toFixed(2) }}
Total: ${{ (Number((totals.total+"").replace(/,/g, '')) - sam_bucks_applied).toFixed(2) }}

Delivery On: {{delivery_start_date}}

{{shipping_address.first_name}} {{shipping_address.last_name}}

{{shipping_address.address}}, {{shipping_address.suite}}, {{shipping_address.city}}
